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هذا موضوع عن سفر دولي الى امريكا لمدة 60 يوما آخر أجل للتقديم 2 مارس 2025 اليكم التفاصيل:

سفر دولي الى امريكا لمدة 60 يوما آخر أجل للتقديم 2 مارس 2025

University of California, Los Angeles, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics

  • Program Title: Research in Industrial Projects for Students (RIPS)
  • Program Type: Undergraduate program
  • Program Location: Los Angeles, California 90095, United States of America [map] sort by distance
  • Subject Areas: mathematics, statistics, computer science
  • Application Deadline: 2025/02/03 11:59

Research in Industrial Projects for Students (RIPS)

The Research in Industrial Projects for Students (RIPS) Programs provide an opportunity for talented undergraduate students to work in teams on a real-world research projects proposed by sponsors from industry or the public sector. Each student team, with support from their academic mentor and industry mentor, will research the problem and present the results, both orally and in writing, at the end of the program. Subsequent to the RIPS program, some student teams choose to publish their results, or present them at national conferences. IPAM provides each undergraduate student with a wide range of support and incentives. These include:
– Stipend of $4,200
– Travel allowance
– Housing and meals on campus
– Site-visit with sponsors (subject to confirmation)
– Limited partial support for future travel to select conferences
– Foreign students (studying in the US or abroad) are eligible
– Graduating seniors are eligible

Encouraging the careers of women and minority mathematicians and scientists is an important component of IPAM’s mission and we welcome their applications. You must be at least 18 years of age to participate in either program. Attention: Please note the different dates of the LA and Singapore programs.

Review of applications will start after the application deadline.

RIPS Los Angeles

RIPS-LA runs June 23 – August 22, 2025. Students will live in residence halls on the UCLA campus and will work at IPAM, which will provide technical support and offices. We expect to have nine projects, but the sponsors and projects are not yet finalized.

International Students

International students are eligible to apply for RIPS-LA, whether or not they study in the US. For more information, see the RIPS 2025 web page.

If you are a foreign student enrolled at a U.S. university:

If selected for RIPS, you will most likely need to obtain a “CPT” in order to participate in the program. This will likely require you to register for an internship or independent study class through your school. On occasion, it is also possible to participate through an “OPT,” but it is up to you to determine whether this option is compliant with U.S. government guidelines. Please clarify your eligibilty for RIPS with your school’s international student office before applying to this program.

Foreign students not enrolled at a US university:

If selected for RIPS, you will need to apply for a US visa, with assistance from IPAM.

Students in Singapore: please consult the IMS announcement for information and the application for local participants.

Only U.S. citizens and permanent residents are eligible for RIPS-Singapore. English is the only language required for participation. The local students, academic mentors and industry mentors will speak English.

Students will stay in residence halls on campus and eat meals in the campus dining halls. The IMS will provide technical support and offices, and offer some cultural activities. We expect to have four projects. Projects vary, but all involve some math, statistics, data, and computing. The Institute for Mathematical Sciences is in the center of the campus of the National University of Singapore (NUS). For more information: see the RIPS-Singapore web page.

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كان هذا موضوع عن سفر دولي الى امريكا لمدة 60 يوما آخر أجل للتقديم 2 مارس 2025
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